共為你找到:180筆voluspa taipei 相關企業資訊
i Darts Taipei 是目前香港 i Darts Group 海外唯一的設置店,全店設置了九部 DARTSLIVE 2 電子飛鏢機,並提供各項飛鏢用品與飛鏢潮流雜誌於店內展示販售。 i Darts Taipei 備有王者舞台、女仕專區、VIP包廂…及多款超人氣專屬 PARTY SET,店內駐有料理職人為您準備精緻的日式洋食及手工PIZZA,精湛手藝令人唇齒留香。 集功能於一身的 i Darts Taipei 除配備完善設施外,還有有專業DI (Darts Instructor 飛鏢指導員)於現場教導機台操作及遊戲的基本教學, 不用擔心因為不熟悉操作而卻步玩樂。歡迎光臨!一起加入這個歡樂的環境吧!
The Westin Taipei 六福皇宮飯店位於臺北市南京東路的金融、商業和娛樂區,具有獨特的文化氛圍,是旅客休憩放鬆、重煥活力的都市綠洲。飯店距桃園國際機場僅 40 分鐘車程,並可方便搭乘捷運; 距臺北世貿中心南港展覽館也僅 15 分鐘路程,乘坐捷運木柵內湖線可方便抵達。 The Westin Taipei 六福皇宮飯店靠近主要的購物中心和各大國際公司企業,地理位置得天獨厚,是商務和休閒旅客的理想之選。 飯店毗鄰世界最高建築 --- 臺北 101 大廈,附近還有薈萃古代珍寶的國立故宮博物院以及熱鬧非凡的繁華夜市。 我們的感官式迎賓將使您從踏入酒店大門的那一刻起,就感到神清氣爽、活力煥發。 親切的微笑、威斯汀特色白茶香馥毛巾服務、新鮮調製的迎賓飲料、以及威斯汀音樂和燈光,將為您營造出充滿活力的氛圍,令您的抵達體驗倍感清新獨特。 飯店共有 288 間豪華客房,其中包括 42 間套房,均配有現代化的設施,並能欣賞美麗的城市景觀,帶給您舒適溫馨的享受。每間客房均配有我們的特色天夢之床 (Heavenly Bed®),讓您輕鬆進入甜美夢鄉。 您可選擇在我們的威斯汀健身房(WestinWORKOUT®)內重獲活力,也可選擇在您自己私密而舒適的威斯汀健身客房(WestinWORKOUT® Room)中強身健體。 此外,我們的餐廳還提供各類中西美食,備有琳琅滿目的精美中式、西式、意式及日式佳餚,任您挑選。 歡迎光臨The Westin Taipei 六福皇宮飯店,享受身心煥然一新的美妙體驗。
本公司為BMW總代理經銷商,民國74年於中和成立,秉持「誠信、品質、創新、熱忱」的經營信念以及BMW追求卓越的風範,以客戶滿意為依歸,創造超乎期待的客戶服務經驗,建立以優質服務為本及最具競爭力的服務團隊。 網站位址:www.bmw-taipei.com.tw
一個提供優質服務,及追求完美的沙龍, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Taipei-Taiwan/Mas-Mas/120440581307468
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
本公司主要為代理國內知名品牌設計師,陸續於台灣各大百貨(TAIPEI 101、微風、衣碟、新光三越、遠東、夢時代等)均設有專櫃,穩健經營十多年並累積不少經營成果,未來十年更將朝向國際化發展,歡迎對服飾業有興趣者共同加入此一陣營。
Yersh Enterprise Co., Ltd was established in 1975 and entered the window covering industry with the traditional wood curtain pole focusing on two major points:Quality finish and reasonable costing. We have Two offices in Taiwan (located in Taichung, and Taipei)and Two factorys in Taichung Taiwan and in Xiamen China. The sales amount in 2006 reached to USD$27,000,000/ year Our products are popular in U.S.A, Japan, Australia and Europe...., and also enjoy NO. 1 reputation in industry. 設立時間:1975年 追求目標:優良的品質、合理的價格 公司評價:傳統產業中的ODM設計,品質生產力均居領導地位 行銷網:U.S.A. JAPAN, AUSTRALIA及歐洲各國 年營業額:USD$20,000,000
Yu Wei Furniture began life as a small company in Taiwan in 1978 and has grown to a multi-national company majoring in furniture with three branches in U.S., Taichung and Guangdong besides the headquarter in Taipei.
本店開業迄今已六年,專做便當外送服務~ 並有發現新台幣,taipei walk, 等等多本知名雜誌,電視台報導 並不斷研發新菜色,以因應現在市場顧客的多種耍求,並以一定的 速度不斷的成長。
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